2011年4月15日 星期五

TEPSC has successfully developed 3.7kW electric propulsion system for e-scooter. The system integrates wheel motor, controller, charger, BMS, DC/DC converter and vehicles controller. In terms of performances, the 3.7kW system can achieve 10.5 sec. in 0-100 m acceleration, reach 70 km/h of max speed, be able to climb 22% hill and also achieve 72 km drive range @ 40 km/h. For more detail, please check http://www.tepsc.com.tw/

臺灣動能3.7KW電動動力系統 在台灣國際電動車展亮相獲得多國買家詢問

首創3.7kW電動動力系統     臺灣動能首創研發的3.7kW電動速克達動力系統,414日初次在台灣國際電動車展中亮相,展期的第一天即獲得來自美國、加拿大、丹麥、捷克、奧地利、多明尼加、馬來西亞、印度及台灣等多個國際性買家高度詢問及洽談,多數買家對於3.7kW電動動力系統源自於系統模組設計的概念感到高度興趣,尤其對於動力系統所能創造的性能表現及組裝的便利設計給予高度的肯定。

本屆台灣國際電動車展展期從即日起展出至417日止共計4天,如有興趣的產業人士,可蒞臨台北世貿展覽館一館臺灣動能攤位(攤位:D323),此外,也歡迎您的來電洽詢(03)4096626,網址 http://www.tepsc.com.tw/

Peugeot to launch electric e-Vivacity scooter

Electric scooters are a portion of the two-wheeled market that's starting to heat up and French manufacturer Peugeot islooking to re-enter the segment with its battery-powered e-Vivacity. Peugeot's first dive into the electric scooter market took place back in 1996 with the Scoot'elec. Unlike that model, which used nickel-cadmium batteries, the e-Vivacity sports an advanced lithium-ion pack from manufacturer Saft. The battery maker says that the e-Vivacity can be recharged in four hours using a standard European 230-volt plug. After just two hours, the little two wheeler gets an 80-percent charge.

Hi-bird electric scooters launched

The Indian electric scooter market has a new player in the form of Hi-Bird, an Indian manufacturer and exporter of bicycles. The company has launched its first two electric scooters in the domestic market. These scooters feature an electric motor mounted in the rear wheel, which is powered by lithium-ion batteries. Both scooters can attain a top speed of 100kmph and have a maximum range of about 70km after each charge of 5-6 hours. Charging can be done via an on-board charging system using a household electric plug point. The scooters have been priced between Rs 27,000 and Rs 28,900 respectively.

TES認證電動機車 有保障

2011-04-14   工商時報
經濟部為促進國內電動機車發展,且配合政府落實節能減碳政策,頒布「經濟部發展電動機車補助及獎勵實施要點」,經濟部工業局依據補助及獎勵實施要點公告臺灣電動機車性能與安全測試規範(簡稱TES;Taiwan Electric Scooter Standard)。

樂活台灣 經濟部推動電動車藍海新格局

【本報綜合報導】國內首屆『台灣國際電動車展』於四月十四日至十七日在世貿展覽館盛大舉行,由經濟部技術處指導,台灣車輛研發聯盟(Taiwan Automotive Research Consortium,簡稱TARC)以「電動節能,智慧駕馭」為主題設置TARC主題館,


電動車發展已蔚為全球風潮,貿協會為了讓國際媒體對台灣電動車的研發成果有更深入的瞭解與認識,特別指名安排LXGEN(納智捷)7MPV EV+做為試乘體驗之禮賓車,讓國際媒體親自體驗全世界首部七人座智慧科技電動車的魅力。

推動電動車業 五年領導全球

2011.04.15 【經濟日報╱記者邱馨儀/台北報導】