自2006年起,NISSAN推展一系列以「節能、減碳、愛地球」為主旨的環保綠計劃(Nissan Green Program)。今年,NISSAN更讓「綠計畫」朝向終極目標「NISSAN Zero Emission 零排放計畫」前進,同時更與國家地理頻道(NGC)共同合作推廣「世界地球日」,為保護地球環境盡一份心力;今年國家地理頻道特別選在花博流行館(遠東環生方舟館)舉辦「2011世界地球日」展覽
The Fitzgerald LEED certified residential building, which opened in October 2010, is now unveiling a public electric car charging station at the site.
On Thursday, March 31st, The Fitzgerald is unveiling two brand new Electrical Vehicle (EV) chargers in their parking garage. Not only is this a first for a residential building in the Mid-Atlantic region,